My name is Zaneta Wright, I own and run Rerooting the Future, a small business based in North Tipperary. My desire is to help people to discover the joy of trying to live a bit more lightly on the planet, and the joy of experimenting with ingredients. I love finding wild flavours, making my own lotions, wines and miso. I love extracting as much nourishment from ingredients as possible and extending the life of my clothes. I want to share this with others. Get in touch via the contact form below to to arrange an event or click on EVENTS in the navigation bar to see what workshops are scheduled for 2022
Learn about seasonal, edible plants and what to do with them. Guided foraging walks are a great way to get to know about the wild edible things that are in our beautiful landscape. These walks mainly deal with wild edible plants. They are about revealing the hidden flavours and delights that each landscape and season has to offer. These walks will be geared towards finding and correctly identifying edible plants and learning about their families, my hope is that you will come away with a deeper understanding of nature and its connections. I am also in a position to offer wild tea walks that include a herbal tea party
I currently offer the following options for Spring, Summer and Autumn Foraging Walks:
One and a half to two hour foraging walk in a location that you want to explore with a group
Rerooting the Future is also happy to collaborate with restaurants to create memorable events.
If you wish to arrange an event, please use the contact form below
Workshops, demonstrations and events. Radical home economics is about finding ways to reduce plastic and food waste. It is about learning how to transform surplus food through fermentation or preservation. It is learning how to make good wines from fruits, sugar and herbs. It is also about finding ways to cheaply and effectively clean your home and body without the use of harsh chemicals. It is about learning how to make palm oil-free soap, exploring the use of Effective Microorganisms, and about having the skills with which to perform simple clothes repairs in order to extend the usefulness of our clothes
Please use the contact form below if you are interested in organising one of these workshops
At Rerooting the Future, I believe that crafting with natural materials is a great way to develop better connectedness with nature and with ourselves.
The act of creating a thing builds self- confidence. The spoon carving workshop on offer is delivered by Dee Synnott from Dee Synnott Woodcraft as a day long event (5-6 hours). Our other workshops can be delivered as either 1.5-2 hour workshops for up to 10 people or all day workshops for between 4 and 10 people. An early February workshop should definitely include the making of Bridget's crosses.
Spoon Carving Workshop
All Day Nature Crafts Workshop
Short Crafts Workshop
Please use the contact form below to arrange an event
Please use this form to get in touch or if you have queries
About Rerooting the Future
Rerooting the Future is delighted to be able to offer foraging walks to everyone; from individuals or families to all sorts of private groups. The foraging walks are a great way to learn about the wild or weedy edible plants that are around us, they are great for spending time outdoors.
Our Workshops have been designed to meet the needs of a number of different clients. For our corporate clients we have developed a range of team building activities built around a workshop theme, be that fermentation, wild drinks or one of our radical home economics or crafts workshops.
The radical home economics workshops have been adapted for secondary school students, providing participants with some of the skills and mindsets needed to live sustainably and cheaply when they leave home. Community groups can also engage our services; talks, discussions and demonstrations are available for a number of different topics including recycling and low-waste living.
About Zaneta
Hi, my name is Zaneta Wright, I own and run Rerooting the Future and teach most of the workshops and classes offered here. I am passionate about nature, health, sustainability and community. I enjoy leading foraging walks and sharing the non-toxic, low waste and wallet-friendly Home Economics skills that I have acquired over the years. I started doing Pilates to maintain good back health, but soon realised that I wanted to train to teach it. I feel as though most of the things that I do are about building strength, sustainability and resilience.
My life started following a non-traditional trajectory once I graduated. I travelled. volunteered, WWOOFed and learned some traditional skills and gained an education in Permaculture. It was on reflection that I realised that Permacultural thinking entered my life early and thanks to my mom who had many clever, waste reducing ways of running the household efficiently. I am blessed in that she shared that knowledge and the thought patterns behind it with me from a young age.
My qualifications include an honours degree in Biology from Maynooth University, where I mainly took human immunity and plant biology modules; a Post Grad course in Environmental Sustainability and two Permaculture Design Certificates. I have participated in a number of workshops to do with facilitation, mentoring and new patterns for collaboration. I studied Pilates at NTC and received an advanced diploma in Pilates matwork and I have since completed a Pilates workshop with Michael King and Malcolm Muirhouse. I studied and became a Postpartum Exercise Specialist under Dr. Sarah Duvall.
My voluntary work has included working as a gardener Sonairte Eco-Centre, where I learned a lot about nature, nature observation and growing food; I also spent time at the Rediscovery Centre in Ballymun where I helped with documentation and workshops. And more recently, I have given a number of Greener living workshops there.
I am interested in finding ways to create sustainable, resilient communities. I was involved with Sustainable Skerries, a local community group that administers an organic veg box scheme (CSA); works with the county council to set up a community garden and provides workshops and courses surrounding sustainable living.
I sporadically blog about a diverse range of topics, from harvesting and preparing foraged plants, my kitchen experiments, fermentations and recipes for homemade cleaning supplies.
In my downtime, I can often be found at home, usually knitting, sewing, experimenting with natural dye-stuffs, messing about in the garden or wandering the hedgerows in search of wild edibles.
Zaneta Wright © 2022